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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #107800: Up and Down

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    Up and Down

    I) UP may express



    1) - A movement upwards :  

     To get up= to wake and rise from one's bed.  To be up= to be out of bed
     To stand up= to rise to one's feet .  To go up= to move to a higher place.
     To look up= to look upwards; ( but also to respect.) To climb up= to go up a mountain or stairs.
     To jump up= to leap upwards
     To sit up= to sit (when you were still lying in bed)
     To put up one's hand= to raise your hand.
     To throw something up= to throw something upwards.


    2) - A movement towards a place where someone is, or towards the north of the country, or towards a big city:


     The taxi drove up = The taxi got near us.


     To go straight up to the door ...= Go directly to the door.
     To move up north= To change houses and go towards the north


     To go up to New York= To go to New York


    3) - A rise (a), and an increasing intensity (b) :

     The prices are going up= The prices are increasing. (a) Please, turn up the volume = raise the volume (b)
     Sales are up this year = More items are sold, this year. (a) Please, can you speak up = Thank you for speaking louder. (b)


    4) - Something totally completed, finished or closed.

     They ate up all the food = They have finished their food. The stream has dried up = There's no more water flowing.
     Time is up! = The time you were given is over! Do your coat up; it's cold! = Button up or zip up your coat ; it's cold...


    5) - Many expressions  :

     Read up to page 20 ! = Read the first 20 pages.
     To come up to somebody = to go towards somebody/something
     To pick up! =to pick and lift something from a lower place.
     To give up = to stop trying to do something.
     To mix up = To confound or confuse.  To keep up with = to continue to do something regularly.
     To put up with something = To accept something annoying without complaining.
     To look up a phrase =  to look for information in a  reference book, or on a computer
    To have ups and downs = To have a mixture of good and bad things in life.
     To stay up = To go to bed later than usual.
     To cheer up = To show support or give encouragement.
     'Open up'= to become less shy and more willing to communicate!
     'Hands up!' = To ask people to raise their hands OR threatening people.
     To give a heads up! = To give advice and information in advance.
     It's up to you to decide! = You only can decide !
     He's not up to the job! = He's not good enough for his job.


    II) DOWN : 

    1) - Movement, lowering intensity

     To climb down = to go down stairs or a mountain.
     To look down = to express or show contempt.
     To go down = to ascend
     To come down = to move towards a person or a place.
     To walk down the aisle = to get married.
     To fall down = to drop suddenly or collapse.
     To knock down = to strike to the ground.
     To slow down = to reduce a speed


    2) - To take notes, to write. 

      To take notes down = To write something not to forget it.   Write it down not to forget it! = to write something on paper.


    3) Expressions: 

     He's down to his last dollar = He has no more money.
     A down and out = a homeless or/and jobless person.
     Break down : machine = to stop working; person = to lose control.
     Look down on somebody = to express disdain or contempt.
     Close down = stop work in a business.  She organised everything down to the last detail = She organized thoroughly.
     She's down with flu = inactive owing to an illness .
     Down with the dictator! = used to say that you are opposed to a dictator!




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    1) She is a model and likes with the latest fashion.
    2) I know that life is hard on everybody... It's made of ! Let's enjoy the and Seize the Day!
    3) My car has ! Hard luck! Just when I was thinking of selling it ...
    4) I can't bear Margaret ! She's so proud and haughty, always other people and on what they're doing ...
    5) Angela hasn't totally recovered from her . She still needs some . Are you coming with me to visit her? -We can't go now, she with flu!
    6) Come on boy! If you don't early in the morning and go to work, you'll become a !
    7) You've got your ideas ... Fight, and you'll succeed.

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