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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125048: Vocabulary: prudence or imprudence
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    Vocabulary: prudence or imprudence


    Incidents, and even accidents may happen, of course... and sometimes, nothing can be done against them... Yet, CAREFULNESS, which isn't cowardice, is a great help to make them less frequent, and more unlikely... It enables us to foresee and avoid the unpleasant or dangerous consequences of some actions... 


    Wearing a mask is being cautious.         Trying to think about the Future...


     To be cautious 

     To be prudent

     To be careful




     Caution to be thoughtful    
     Wise/ wisely   wisdom 
     To be provident (economical/ frugal)

     foresight ( to foresee)


     To take precautions                             tact/ tactful 
















     careless/ carelessly  
     Carelessness                            tactless/ tactlessness                   

     to be chancy: to be hazardous, risky, uncertain. /// : to be lucky, fortunate. 

    to be scatterbrained (birdbrained-US) : to be unable of serious, connected thought





    - (be) Careful what you wish for, (because) you just might get it:  (a warning that something that one desires might prove to be problematic or undesirable, were it to happen or come true.)

    - If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't stop yourself from behaving improperly, try to limit the degree of risk or danger involved.

    - You can't be too careful! : one must exercise the utmost caution and prudence

    - Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!

    - As wise as an owl. (The owl was once a symbol of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, and has endured as a symbol of wisdom throughout the ages.)

    - A word to the wise (is sufficient): someone who is wise heeds a warning or a piece of advice, even if it is very brief. 


    Here you are! You're not running any risks taking the test. Go for it and have a great score.  Thanks for working with me! 


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    1. 'Jordan is such a driver that I’ll never lend him my car, no matter how much he asks me to.'

    2. 'It’s both and rude to provoke him when you know he’s the boss.'

    3. It was of you to celebrate Tim's birthday with his friends.Thank you!

    4. 'You must be more and not take your masks off when you meet someone.'

    5. In his infinite , he advised us not to file a suit against that company.

    6. Jim is so that he keeps losing his things or forgetting them anywhere.

    7. Leaving your job and selling your house is quite a move in order to start your own business.

    8. The squirrel stores nuts in the hollow tree to have enough food for the winter.

    9. These stocks are too .You shouldn’t invest all your money in them too lightly.

    10. Such is unforgivable, and should be punished both by individuals and by society.





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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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