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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #106394: Working in a firm (verbs)
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    Working in a firm (verbs)

    Complete the sentences with the correct verbs (actions in firms / companies).

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    English exercise "Working in a firm (verbs)" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. You are required to delivery of results against agreed goals and priorities.

    2. She implements decisions as to resolve problems in a timely manner.

    3. There is customer- culture across the business unit.

    4. The company encourages ongoing learning and knowledge .

    5. He is open to receive .

    6. Please focus on developing managerial strength.

    7. She always shows an understanding of the needs of customers.

    8. on delivery and quality of performance is your first job.

    9. Please ensure the team required training and development.

    10. Your job is to organise the team performance standards.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Working in a firm (verbs)
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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