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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #110411: Vocabulary: a few animals and the meat they give...

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    Vocabulary: a few animals and the meat they give... - English lesson

    An advanced exercise on the Forum has proved to me what I hadn't imagined : you don't know your animals... and the meat (the flesh) that they unselfishly give us...

    It started a long time ago... with William the Conqueror who fought and won the  Battle of Hastings in 1066 and became King William Ist of England.

    He brought with him numerous nobles from Normandy ; these people have transmitted lots of words of Norman origin and added them to English which had a strong Saxon influence The Anglo-Saxon peasants would breed cattle [oxen , pigs, cows, calves, sheep , goats] and the Norman nobles would eat ‘beef', ‘pork', 'veal', 'mutton'...   

    'Ox' is the general word for ‘a cow', a heifer (a young cow), a bull (the male), a bullock(GB)/steer(US) (a castrated male), a calf (=> calves in the plural)), a buffalo, domestic and wild species... The word 'Ox' is not much used now. 
    A breeding farm (livestock farming) can specialize in: cattle farming, sheep farming, swine or pig farming,  or poultry farming.  

                  A bull fight 

                      A buffalo 


      A herd of oxen (bullocks (GB)/steers(US)

                         2 oxen


                    A cow and calf

                A calf (=> 2 calves)


               Cow/bullock's meat = beef

                      Calves' meat : veal

    Similarly, pigs and sheep changed names while they were becoming flesh to eat...

                           A ram                Two acrobatic sheep
                  A ewe and a lamb              The sheep's meat = mutton
              A  herd of sheep                      A swine = a pig 
                    Sows and piglets                The pig's meat = Pork


    To breed, I bred, bred a herd = a group of animalsa shelter = a protection
    to wean = stop feeding milkTo graze = to feed on grass a pen = a fenced area

    Now, you must be ready for the test!   May the Force be with you!  


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    ' Kids, this is a livestock farm, that’s to say that the farmers here breed cattle, together with , and poultry.

    In this first field you can see , bred for meat, and , mostly for milk. They’re all grazing freely.

    No kids, the white cows are not with the . They've just had their which are . The cows are not milked for consumption, just now.

    In this other field, you have sheep, grazing. They’re bred for their wool and give excellent meat : lamb or . No, kids! The are not with them… They’re in separated pens.

    Yes, pigs are sheltered in this season. You can see , but the are in separated pens when their aren’t weaned. Yes, all of them will give excellent .



    A piggy-bank  Star-sign: TAURUS (April, 21st-May 21st) Milk-fed calves give good veal...


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