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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #69935: Bring and particles
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Particles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Verbs + up /down - Phrasal verbs - Get and particles - Hear/ hear about/ her from/ hear of - Take, Look, Get + particles - Phrasal verbs: to GET - Up and Down - Phrasal verbs: to TAKE
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    Bring and particles

    The verb, to bring, is often combined with other words to adopt a wide variety of meanings.  Some of these possibilities are revealed in this test.

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    English exercise "Bring and particles" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. The Managing Director's efforts to bring change caused widespread confusion.

    2. The children had been brought to be very polite so they always said please and thank-you.

    3. Bring your sister to the party; she'll be more than welcome.

    4. The father's tragic death had the effect of bringing the family again after many years.

    5. Bring a couple of pizzas on your way home.

    6. The old lady had fainted and the people in the shop tried their best to bring her .

    7. The government was brought by widespread unrest following rank incompetence and corruption.

    8. As the first book had been such a success, the novelist happily agreed to bring a sequel.

    9. In view of the clash of dates, it was agreed to bring the Wednesday meeting to Tuesday.

    10. The delicate plants were brought by early planting in the greenhouse.

    11. After eight hours of deliberation, the jury brought a guilty verdict.

    12. He had succeeded in bringing an amazing coup, much to the irritation of all his detractors.

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