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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #84534: Quiet / quite / quit

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    Quiet / quite / quit - English lesson

     Quiet can mean:

    -not noisy: 'She spoke in a quiet voice.'

    -silent: 'Would you please keep quiet?'

    -calm: a quiet town, life, weekend, wedding, etc.

    -not busy: 'Business has been quiet lately.'

    -not talkative: a quiet man, person.

    -discreet/secret: 'You should have a quiet word with him'.

     Expressions with the word quiet:

    on the quiet = secretly

    to grow quiet = to become silent

    to go quiet = to suddenly become silent

    as quiet as a mouse = very quiet

    keep quiet = remain (be) silent

     Quit can mean:

    -to leave your job, school, etc.: 'I've quit my job.'

    -to stop doing something: 'I've quit smoking.'

    -leave the place where you live: 'I've decided that it is time to quit the city'.

    -to close a computer program or application: 'There has been a computer error.  Do you want to quit?'

     Expressions with the word quit:

    notice to quit = an official order to leave a place within a certain time

     Quite can mean:

    -fairly: 'He was quite young.' 'He plays the piano quite well'

    -absolutely/completely/entirely: 'It's quite clear that this won't work.' 'Are you quite sure?'

    -to a great degree; very; really: 'I think you'll be quite comfortable here.'

     Expressions with the word quite:

    Quite!/Quite so! = used to agree with somebody or show that you understand them.

                               He's bound to be upset after the breakup. 'Quite (so)'.

        OK   OK  ...  I quit ....

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    English exercise "Quiet / quite / quit" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. I must go to bed now. I'm feeling ill.

    2. Will you please making so much noise? You'll wake the baby!

    3. As she reflected on the day's events, she suddenly grew very .

    4. I've tried to smoking before, but I was unsuccessful.

    5. After her retirement, she went to live a life in the country.

    6. As a matter of fact, I like opera.

    7. I didn't know they were acquainted. He must have been meeting her on the .

    8. They are such awful tenants that the landlord has just given them notice to .

    9. 'Are you ready, dear?' - 'Not .'

    10. Look at them! Obviously they drank a bit too much alcohol.

    11. Now dear, you must be as a mouse or else you'll wake the baby.

    12. Your file is corrupted. Press Q to the program.

    13. Once and for all we've decided to the city and move to the country. We are so happy!

    14. For goodness' sake! Can't we have some peace and around here?

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Quiet / quite / quit
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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